I think I have a future photographer on my hands!

Yep... he's got the bug. Whenever he catches me taking a photo, he wants to run behind the camera. It's really cute until I find him pulling my camera equipment out. He is extremely careful, but I don't think he's quite ready yet.

So I pulled out a broken tripod and Jay's old point and shoot camera and he went to town. I've put batteries in the camera a few times, but they just die too quickly.

He is too young!

To be rejecting the camera!! W was sitting at his little table watching Sponge Bob, while S was in his swing right next to him. I look over and W is holding S's hand. It was TOO cute. I run to get my camera, but of course by the time I came back he had let go... *sigh*.

At that point I already had my camera out, so I decided to snap a few of Mr. S.... well that didn't last long lol... he is defiantly a photographers child.


Our little man has arrived!!


- '02 emergency c/s due to prolapsed cord after 24hrs (+/-) labor.
- '08 Successful VBAC. Got to hospital at 8cm and received an epi at 9cm, broke water, baby born 2 hrs later.
- Went in at 36w with this pregnancy thinking I was in active labor, dilated to 4cm and everything stopped.
- Was going to attempt an unmediated birth this time.

Well I had an appointment Monday morning (8/23) at 10am. I was dilated to 5 1/2+, but doc didn't think it was the day. I told him otherwise :) So Jay and I went to the mall to walk around and just ended up in Barnes and Noble. We were there about an hour but I just needed to come home. When we got home, I decided to take a bath and kinda get in a squatting position to see if it would help things along. I was still having my contractions in waves though (which continued through the end). They would be close and regular and then space way out. By 2pm, I told Jay that we were going to be going in. I just didn't want to take any chances with the hospital being 20min away without traffic. Problem was my mom was out doing errands with the van (has been here 2 months helping out due to semi bed rest) and W was sleeping. So I called my mom and she rushed back thinking I was having the baby right then lol.

We arrived at the hospital around 4pm and I was dilated to 8cm. I was still joking around with the nurses and having conversations... they couldn't believe I was at 8cm. My doula arrived about 30 minutes later and the photographer was there shortly after (see sneak peak here). We did some walking in the halls, utilized the ball, etc. For a while I didn't think I would need the doula, but the minute transition started thank god she was there. After each contraction I would say "I just can't do this, I'm too tired" She would get me so relaxed during the contraction that I nearly went to sleep when it was done and wanted to stay asleep.

At 7pm I was hanging off of Jay and crying because I was just so exhausted and thought I was crazy for wanting this natural/unmediated birth, yet didn't want to cave in. Lots of emotions going on. So I told Jay and the doula I wanted to be checked again. The nurse came right in, checked me and said I was at 9cm. Screw this "I want them to break my water... I know when they do he'll come out like a slip and slide"... yes I was still joking around lol. The doc that had been on call was the one I had problems with a few weeks ago, but thankfully they had just switched shifts. I was on the bed on my hands and knees to try and help with the contractions and the doc says "Jennifer is there any particular position you want to deliver in?" She would have let me deliver however I wanted!! Of course my response is "I don't care as long as he comes out and this is over!"

So she had me lay on my back to break my water and immediately I felt the warm fluid and then have a contraction. With W we had a few hours before he was born after my water was broken. NOT THIS ONE! Holy cow. As I am having that contraction, I get a deer in head lights look on my face, find Jay (he was standing to the side) and yell "NO!! He's coming RIGHT NOW! He's coming too fast! It's happening too fast! I can't do this!" I lost control. I wasn't prepared for how fast it was happening, but I guess everyone else was cause they were getting set up before my water was even broken. Of course Jay runs over to my side, the doula is on the other side, and the doc, nurses and photographer all say I can do it (and because I have no choice).

They didn't even have the bed broken down and doc says... "Push if you need to" while everyone else around is getting things ready. Even if she had told me not to, I would have anyway lol, baby was there and I was getting him out. She also asked me if it was ok for them to give me Pitocin after delivery to help the uterus contract, but I said I'd rather nurse and she said that was fine. 5 minutes after my water broke (dilated to 9cm) and 3 pushes later he was born. I never thought I was a screamer, but I think I may have scared a few women that night. I was using my full lung capacity. Nurses said that I was nothing compared to what they consider "screamers". Sure.... lol. It wasn't really like a pain scream, but more of a primal thing yell... lol I don't know how to explain it.

I was really proud of Jay. I was a little out of it and confused from everything happening so fast and doc asked if he wanted to cut the cord, goes to hand him the scissors and he says "I think we are waiting" doc-"Ok that's fine" About 4min or so later doc says, "Jennifer the cord has stopped pulsating and you are delivering the placenta. Is it ok for dad to cut the cord now?" Delivering the placenta was the weirdest feeling ever. Doc said it would make me feel better, didn't know what she was talking about but it did. Doc asked if I wanted to see it cause she shows all her patients, but I didn't care at the time... wish I had now, but no biggie.

He was born at 7:15 pm 8lbs 3.6oz, 21in, and 14in head. He had minimal bruising from coming so fast, but was gone by the next day, apgar of 8/8 for color and his jaundice test was 4.0 the night before discharge (I guess they get concerned after 5+). He was O+ so I had to get a shot (I'm O-), but they kept a hep-lock in just in case and were able to insert it through there.

So all in all I did the completely unmediated birth and only had a very minimal amount of IV fluid (I don't even think I got through half a bag in 3 hours). I had no rips or tears which I was really afraid of because of how fast it was, and I don't even feel like I had a baby. I just feel like I'm having a period (minimal bleeding and light cramping).

He had his 1 week yesterday and is looking great. Went from 8.3 to 7.8 in the hospital and yesterday was 7.13... so 5oz in 2 days! Jaundice isn't of any concern, very minimal.

Doc appt -10:00am (5 1/2cm - which I had been at for weeks)
Arrive at hospital - 4:00pm (8cm)
Get checked - 7:00pm (9cm)
Break water - 7:10pm
Baby born - 7:15pm

Mr. Steven James born on his due date

Proud Papa


Do you ever go back a reread your blog posts?

Since I am getting back into blogging (we'll see how long this lasts lol) I decided to go back to the beginning of this blog and look around. I feel like I'm reading though an old journal. My first post was a little over 2 years ago, not that long ago considering our life span, but at the same time seems like it was ages ago! I came across a belly post I had made while pregnant with Mr. W... a quote I completely forgot about... A simple post from when Mr. W was just a wee one (he still is but thinks he's much bigger hehe)... or even Mr. W's first time to a splash pad. Yes I have these memories and I have the photos, but reading the posts just brings back so much more. Having a toddler, being a wife, getting pregnancy brain for the second time and starting a business really keeps you busy.

Mr. W is growing up and I feel like I am just missing so much especially since I have been on bed rest this pregnancy and not been able to do as much as I'd like to with him. Not only has Mr. W been growing up before my eyes, but I have made a lot of changes with myself. I have a different outlook on life then what I did 2 years ago. Shoot even a year ago. I've started my own photography business (which is a never ending process) and most importantly I've become a mommy. Jay and I have all the same problems most couples are facing these days, but it truly only makes us stronger. Yes I know that sounds like a cliche, but it is the honest to Gods truth. We are just falling in love more and more each day... the honeymoon is not over and I don't see it ending any time soon :) We have another little monkey due any time now. We are building our family and it just feels so good.

In this day and age, we all really are too busy and forget to deposit these t
hing into our memory banks, and while I really need to take the time to do this, it is nice to be able to come back to my blog and say "Yeah I remember that day/moment".

Christmas 2008!! I feel like we look so different now!!
(Courtesy of Erica Williams Photography)

It's almost over!

And it is so bitter sweet. I love pregnancy and knowing that I helped to create this child. That I carried this baby for 40 weeks (give or take). That I nourished and protected this baby from the outside world. On the flip side, I am SO done! LOL. I can't wait to see and hold my baby. Nurse him. Change his diapers. Watch him grow. Sleep on my stomach. Bend over. Shave my legs without needing a nap afterward. Eat without getting heartburn. Have a stable mood (crying and snapping at people at the drop of the hat is really making me feel a bit bipolar). Get back to my normal routine! Watch Mr. W and no-name baby play with each other. Here are a few pics from this pregnancy.


Flagstaff Fun

This past week Jay needed to head up to Flagstaff to turn in some military gear. Since no-name baby is almost here (any day!) we decided to make a day trip of it. Yeah I know I'm crazy for traveling that far this late in the game, but I needed out of the valley of the sun. Despite our recent monsoons and slightly cooler weather, I just needed fresh clean air. Two and a half hours later we went from a hot & sunny 100* to a nice cool and rainy 68* with perfect overcast skies for photos. It was beautiful!! Not only was the weather great, but Old Town Flagstaff just gave me so much inspiration. I can not wait to get back to taking on clients!

I was really hoping we could get a few family shots in, but it just wasn't going to work out. I would definably love to back some day to do family portraits or even take a client. The day we were there would have been perfect for a trash the dress session! I did manage to get ONE photo in of Mr. W. I can't tell which version I like better, so here is both :)

I love my Boys...

And I can not believe I will have another one here very shortly! I am so very blessed to have such a wonderful husband that works so very hard in this insane Arizona weather and still comes home in a good mood (I know I wouldn't!!), and to have a fun loving (wild) toddler. He is going to be such a good big brother although our practice doll hasn't gone over so well. He will love and hug the doll and then just chuck the poor thing across the room lol. I am really hoping I do not find this new baby in a closet or something... eeek!!


Panasonic DMC-ZS7

I was selected to participate with CafeMom's Influencer Program and to test out the Panasonic DMC-ZS7 point and shoot camera, and then give my opinion on the camera. I a will be testing it out with the manual settings it has, along with it's auto settings. So far I have found a few things I do not like, however, I do not know how much of that is due to using a DSLR for everything. I don't think I would pay the cost of $300-400 for it. It has GPS, but it runs down your battery REALLY quick, even when turned off. It gives overall nice images (I will post more here soon) and is great for just throwing into your purse or diaper bag.



Cup cakes, BBQ, & Fireworks


We had a fun yet laid back 4th of July this year. We just kind of moseyed around for most of the day, had a little grub and struggled to stay away for 9pm fireworks. Mr. W and grandma fell asleep around 8pm while Jay and I did our best to keep our eyes open. Around 8:45 Jay and I headed on out to get a good spot for some firework shots. We ended up between an open field and a canal. Big mistake. The moment we stopped moving we were instantly attacked by mosquitoes. Some of them were HUGE! I really wanted to leave, but the photographer in me said "NO! You will get the shot!!" So I sat and endured the torcher. Jay was a great sport and barely complained... he's such a good hubby!

Too Cool for School

Ever since Mr. W discovered floaties he can not be stopped in the pool. He has absolutely no fear of the water which can be a little worry some. He no longer likes for you to touch him while he's swimming and loves jumping into the pool. Unfortunately we've had to cut back on our swimming due to the heat. You get in the pool and it feels as if you are getting in a really warm tub. It's insane!!

Is your child in the correct car seat??

I have been doing quite a bit of research on car seats. W needs a new one, his will be expiring soon, and we need a new one for the up coming bambino. We have decided to skip an infant seat and go strait to a convertible seat. We are stuck between the True Fit Premier and the Graco MyRide65

Here is an article I found on car seats and which one would be the best.

Car seats are very confusing. Many parents don't know which step to take next and when. Hopefully this post will help clear things up a bit.

Infant Seats

An infant seat is one that only rear-faces, usually has a base, and fits newborns and small infants best. There are lots of different types on store shelves today. Some seats only have a 3pt harness, some have rear adjusters (meaning you have to loosen and tighten the harness behind the seat), some have 5pt harnesses with front adjusters, some have great padding for newborns, some don't. When you go to purchase your seat there are things to consider when shopping for one. It's best to choose a seat that has a 5pt harness (meaning that they are 5 pts that contact the shell of the seat. Over each shoulder, each hip, and buckle between the legs), and a front harness adjuster (usually a strap that comes out of the front of the seat). These seats hold the baby in the seat best.

This is an infant seat: Chicco Keyfit 30 (5pt harness, front adjuster, newborn padding, 4-30lbs)

An infant seat is outgrown when 1 of 2 things happens... The baby's head comes within 1in of the top of the seat shell (the hard plastic not the cover)... OR when baby reaches the weight limit. Read your owners manual to determine the weight limit on your specific seat. After the infant seat is outgrown, it is time to move to a Rear-facing Convertible seat.

Note: Babies should remain rear-facing until the limits of their convertible seat. Most children are between 2-3 years old. The reason for this is because their spinal column does not fully mature until they are around 4 years old. Before that the bone is just calcified. If you are in a crash and your child is forward facing they are at a higher risk of spinal cord injury, because their head is heavy and puts a lot of strain on the spinal cord. When the bone is not hard enough to protect it. Think about how an adult feels with whiplash... Well whiplash on a small child could turn into a spinal cord injury, and it could be permanent or worse. By keeping a child rear-facing it prevents the whiplash effect. The carseat absorbs all the impact instead of the child.

Which harness slot should I be using?

When a baby/child is rear-facing you should be using the slot that is at or below the shoulder.

Convertible Seat

A convertible seat is one that will rear-face and forward face. Most convertibles will rear-face to between 30-35lbs (don't purchase one that has a 20 or 22lb rear-facing limit. It's a waste of money). Most will forward face to only 40lbs with a harness, however there are now several models and manufactures that have convertible seats that will harness above 40lbs. You may consider this when your are shopping for your convertible seat. Beware of seats that are "3 in 1" seats. These seats do not currently harness above 40lbs, the box can be deceiving to the buyer. Avoid seats that have a over head shield (bar that comes down over the child's head). These are not as safe as a 5pt harness. When shopping for a convertible look for seats that have a 5pt harness and front harness adjuster. After that consider seats that harness to higher weight limits.

This is a convertible car seat: Britax Marathon (5pt harness, front adjuster, rear-faces to 35lbs, forward faces to 65lbs with a harness)

Children should riding rear-facing in their convertible until they reach the rear-facing weight limit OR when their head is within one inch of the top of the shell. Then you may flip it forward facing. They are outgrown forward facing when 1 of 3 things is reached. When the forward facing weight limit is reached, OR when the top of their shoulders go above the top harness slots (*see note), OR when the tips of the ears go above the shell. Once one of those is reached it's on to the next step. This is where it becomes more confusing for parents.

*Note: The "3-1" seats on the market have a bar on the back of the seat that you adjust to slide the harness up and down according to where your child's shoulders are. Note in the instruction book that the VERY top slot on the back is to be used only when the seat is in belt position booster mode. This is with the seat belt. You cannot use the seat with the harness in that slot. The other slots can be rather low, so consider this when shopping. I recommend taking a tape measure with you and measuring slot heights on seats. The taller the slots, the longer you are likely to be able to use the seat.

The Next Step:

Depending on which convertible seat your child is moving from, how old your child is, and how mature your child is, there are 3 different ways you can go. I'm going to try and map them out best I can for you. If your child is under the age of 4 DO NOT put him/her into a belt positioning booster seat using only a seat belt. Children under this age are not mature enough (physically or mentally) to ride correctly each and every ride. Even if you think your child is, remember that their spinal cord does not fully mature until they are around age 4. They need the upper body restraint of a 5pt harness. It is best for a child to remain in a harness until at least age 4 at a bare minimum. The longer after that the better.

Combination Seats

A combo seat is one that uses a 5pt harness, and then converts to a belt positioning booster seat after a certain weight is reached. If your child is under age 4, and has outgrown their convertible seat, a combo seat is a good option for you to go. When shopping for a combo seat take several things into consideration. If your child outgrew his convertible by reaching the 40lb weight limit (or is close to 40lbs), then you need to look for a seat that uses the harness above 40lbs (make sure it says "uses a 5pt harness to XXlbs). There are now several on the market. If your child outgrew their convertible by height (shoulders above the top slots, or ears above the shell), then you need to make sure you purchase a seat that has higher harness slots (tape measure!).

This is a combo seat: Graco Nautilus (uses a harness to 65lbs, has highest harness slots for combo seats on the market. Converts to a high back booster, and a no back booster until 100lbs)

A combo seat is outgrown when the child's shoulders go above the top slots, then can be converted to belt position booster mode.

Forward Facing Harness Only Seat

These are seats that harness above 40lbs, and do not convert to a belt position booster seat. There are very few of these seats on the market. Many are special needs seats for children that need to be in a harness for an extended period of time. These are also a great option for parents that want to keep their child in a harness for as long as possible.

This is a forward facing harness only seat: Britax Regent (harnesses to 80lbs, 5pt harness, front adjuster)

This seat is outgrown when the weight limit is reached OR when the shoulder go above the top slots.

Belt Position Booster Seat

The last step in your child's carseat ladder, is a belt position booster seat. Remember that children need to be at least 4 years old and over 40lbs before being placed in a belt position booster seat. Belt position booster seats are used with the lap and shoulder seat belt over the child. Do NOT use a lap belt only with a belt position booster seat if you have only lap belts then ask about options. When shopping for a bpb look for seats that have nice open belt guides so that the shoulder belt may slide freely in the guide. Some seats have added side impact protection. Some have wings to help support a sleeping child. There are 2 types of belt position booster seats; High Back, and No Back.

This is a High Back Belt Position Booster: Graco Turbo Booster (High back booster to 100lbs, may also be used without the back)

Children should ride in a high back booster until they are at least 7 years old. They need the added upper body protection, and it helps keep the shoulder belt in the proper position.

This is a No Back Booser: Combi Dakota (100lb weight limit)

A no back booster may be used for older children that don't want to show their friends they ride in a booster still.

Most children need to ride in a booster until they are somewhere between 8-12 years old. They need to be around 4ft 9in tall. And need to pass this 5-step test:

  1. Does the child sit all the way back against the auto seat?
  2. Do the child's knees bend comfortably at the edge of the auto sea?.
  3. Is the lap belt touching the top of the thighs, not the tummy?
  4. Is the shoulder belt centered on the shoulder and chest?
  5. Can the child stay seated like this for the whole trip?

Avoid moving your child out of his/her seat to soon. There is no magic age. State laws are often bare minimum's and not what is best for your child. Just because the law says that at age 6 he/she can ride in a seat belt only, does not mean that it is safe for them to do so (generally speaking). Remember that your child's safety comes first, and you never know when a drunk driver will cross the center line and hit you head on. Don't chance it, make your child ride safely in his/her seat each and every single ride. Even in the neighborhood!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Thank you for taking the time to read my long winded post. :o)

Jen E
Carseat Tech, Photographer, and Mom to 3!

New things....

Well I haven't posted in a while... Don't worry my one faithful follower, I am returning! LOL. We have been up to quite a lot. I gave the photography thing a shot, but quickly found what I want to specialize in. I am taking a good 6 months to one year to develop, portfolio build, and advertise. I can't wait to launch!!

One other bit of fun news.... we are expecting bambino number 2! S/he will arrive August 23, 2010... or at least that is the due date.

11 weeks bw by you.

021910_0964web by you.

Operation: Love Reunited

Jennifer Wakefield Photography is now affiliated with Operation Love: Reunited!!!

Operation: Love Reunited offers professional photography sessions for deploying military families, fee-free by professional photographers. 2 sessions, consisting of 1 pre-deployment or already deployed, and 1 ReUnited session at the homecoming of the soldier. The photographers accompanies the family to the airport (or homecoming location) to welcome their loved one home!

The photographers send a 4x6 album from the 1st session overseas at no cost to the family, they may then offer any specials on other products to the family at their discretion. Visit www.oplove.org for more information and to find a participating photographer in your area. If one isn't avaliable email Headquaters, and they will try to help you find one.