As for the "boy" he is growing fast, and will be here in 3 (!) short months.... AHHH! He's extremely active and very strong or so I think. We are still trying to come up with a name for him, Jay likes to call him J.R or the mutant... it's all in fun but come on, it's so sad this poor kid. Jay so far has turned down the names I like so far, so we shall see what we come up with in the end. Let me know of any suggestions you might have!! Enjoy the pictures I have put up of my expanding growth. :)

16 Weeks May 27, 2008
Was still feeling sick and just over all "fat". Two weeks later we found out he was a boy!

20 Weeks June 19, 2008
I was finally feeling better by this week and starting to feel more pregnant.

21 Weeks June 26, 2008
Starting to show even more.... Jay's shirts are becoming really handy :)

22 Weeks July 3, 2008
Well I don't know if you can tell by the pictures, but I feel like I (and probably the boy) am going through a major growth spurt the past few days. He is as active as ever and constantly kicking anything I rest on my stomach.

Gotta really love the stretch marks, I hope I don't get anymore...
One response to “My Growing Belly”
Oh, Honey, I absolutely loved this part of your blog!!! You are a beautiful person inside and out, and I am glad you are able to look at the past as a growing experience and not to defame yourself. If you didn't experience those things, how can you bedome what you are? I am diligently working on your baby boy's blankee and wish I was there with you. Love you lots!!! Mom
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