What does the 4th of July represent to you? Yes it is a day of BBQ's, family gatherings, and most of all the fire works, but it is also much more. It is the day that commemorates the adoption of The Declaration of Independence.
The holiday was first celebrated in Philadelphia on July 8th, 1776, at which time The Declaration of Independence was read aloud, a month later The Declaration of Independence would be officially signed. Little do people know is that The 4th of July did not become an official holiday throughout the United States until 1941.
The 4th of July also represents a freedom. There are unfortunately many people in this world who do not have the option to voice their opinion like so many Americans will never hesitate to do. Americans complain about gas prices, housing costs, health care, or just plain trash our government.
But you know what I say... That is a very small price to pay to be living in this great country. Would you rather be worrying about some mulisha group or government agency showing up at your front door step. Accusing you or a member of your family of a crime that was not committed or was petty, and in turn place you and your entire family in a camp, a prison, or just flat out kill you? Yes that IS still happens in the world today, North Korea, Darfur, and Iraq, just a few, and if you don't believe me just read up on it a bit, you will be surprised.
We have a military that is ready to defend our country if need be, as well as trying to bring freedom to other people around the world that do not get to experience the privilege.
The United States is not perfect, but are you? I am pretty damn happy to declare myself to be an American.
Please take time out of your day today to remember what this day is about, what this country allows you to do in your everyday lives, and pray for our troops serving this nation, foreign or stateside, as well as veterans.
Enjoy your 4th of July and be safe!!
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