It has been way too long!!! I was wanting to blog every day, but apparently I got lazy. Here's a little update on everything....
I'm good, bored most of the time, but good. Been really tired and in a bit of pain the past few days. Jay suggested that maybe I'm doing too much, but if I did any less I'd be on bed rest. I feel like I've been growing like crazy, and he never stops moving! Our next doctors appointment is August 15th and we'll be getting another ultrasound! I'm excited, Jay thinks the ultrasounds are weird.
Jay is excited about the baby though and can't shut up about it lately. He calls him J.R or the mutant (says its in reference to a Kuato, a character from the movie Total Recall)..... poor kid. Hopefully we will have a name soon. Again, if there are any suggestions out there please let us know! We want to use family names, but I don't have a whole lot to choose from.
I'll be heading to CA August 27th and then Jay will be out on September 1st to pack up me and all my things and drive back that same day. It will be a day trip for him mostly because of school and he doesn't want to loose hours at work. But if we can afford it, we may stay in San Clemente somewhere for a few days for a little vacation before the baby comes. It would be nice, but we're not sure yet. We're going to be moving September 14th, and just put a deposit on an apartment in the area for a 2 bedroom 1 bath, it's a good size and layout for us.
Jay's still working 6 days a week and was supposed to start helicopter flight school today, but he pushed it back a month due to the new Post 9/11 GI bill that recently got signed. I keep wanting to work really bad, but he keeps telling me no. It's just nice to have my own money to buy things for me or just pamper myself, but I also feel bad that he work's so much while I feel like I'm not contributing at all. He recently put me in charge of the finances, don't laugh, and told me if there is "extra" money that I should feel free to spend it on myself. I can't do that.
Let's see what else.... We have a good amount of the "bigger" baby items, like a normal swing, travel swing, bouncy seat, car seat, etc., but we still have a good list of items we need though like a crib, dresser (he's not even going to use his room for a while so we have time on those items), clothes, bathroom items, diapers, you know the basics.
Sorry for everyone that keeps asking for pictures of Jay and I, we just don't get a lot of opportunities to take any. I will get some soon though, I promise!